Userscripts (in-game tools/utilities) for Illyriad


About Userscripts

Userscripts are tiny bits of code written in JavaScript that add useful functionality to your web apps. You can think of them as a cosmetic makeover of the web apps that you use. Userscripts are browser-specific and website-specific; a particular script, if installed and supported by your browser, will work only for a particular website (or a group of websites).

A word of warning about userscripts - they have the potential to do some very nasty things so you should only install scripts from people/places that you trust.

Modern browsers won't allow you to install userscripts straight into the browser. Rather you have to install a browser extension that has been written to manage them. My personal recommendation is Tampermonkey (due to the number of supported browsers) but there are a wide variety available for (as far as I know) every browser. The rest of these instructions are written for Tampermonkey.

Installing Userscripts

Before you click on the link for a userscript you need to make sure that your chosen script manager extension is running and active. . If the image is greyed out then the extension is inactive.

Click on the Add button for the script you want to add. A new window/tab will open up with details of the script and two buttons 'Install' and 'Cancel'. Click Install and the page will turn blank when the script has been added. To run the script this first time you need to re-load the Illy page (from now on the script will be loaded whenever you log in to Illy).

If at any time you decide you want to turn a script off you can either uninstall it or simply turn it off in Tampermonkey.


Durctools In-game tools to help players with keeping track of things like inventories, finding collectable items on the map, taking notes on interesting map locations and a host of others. It also adds several user requested UI changes such as a button to set the maximum occupy time when sending a siege. Add

Linkify Convert any external urls (such as music videos etc) posted in GC to clickable links. Add
Anatomy Name Shortner Shortens some of the long anatomy names in market listings etc to shorter alternatives so the qty is visible. Add
Trivia Filter Copies any GC posts by a Dev to a separate window (makes it a lot easier to follow along during trivia). Add
Log Out Button Moves the Logout button up to reduce the risk of clicking it instead of the Previous Town button. Add
Price Grabber In-game tool that gathers price info from the market place and allows downloading it in either CSV or JSON format. Add


Browser Extensions

ChrisGUI Browser extension that gives the ability to post certain emojis in the active chat window. Firefox Chrome